Monday, April 26, 2010


1.How did the Renaissance begin?

The wedside told us Renaossance begin in Italy.Renaissance is the cause of the prosperity of business and trsbe,many knowledge brought to Europe.
2.What is special about ancient Roman architecture?

The characteristics of Roman architecture was they use a lot of cylinder to built.In Roman has one very classic architecture was pantheon,this temple use a lot of cylinder,and subject were round.So the Roman architecture also present round.
Caption1:This is pantheon's design.

3.What was life like in the Dark Age?

The Dark Age is mean period of social breakbown.The Dark Age has been described very decadent.Dark Age culture or both civilized and the like are all lost to the Renaissance.

Caption2:The statue was one of three heroes of the Renaissance work of Michelangelo.

Monday, April 19, 2010



1.What is the Renaissance?
"Renaissance" is the 14 century to the 16 century in Europe,a rise of ideological and cultural movement and Renaissance influenced many well-know people in Europe.The Renaissance initiated in the 14 century Italy and Renaissance also affect literature,philosophy,art,politics,science and religion.

Caption:This photo is Da Vinci's work,this work was combine art and science.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1.Which countries have unclear weapons today?
In this would,America,Russia,Britain,France,China,Ukraine,Israel,India,Pakistan have unclear weapons.
2.How are the unclear weapons today different from two used in WW2?
Today's unclear weapons had a lot of horrible power then before.During America throw unclear weapons on Japan but Japan has damadge but now if America throw unclear weapons,all the world will destory.
3.Between 1900-2000 more than 180000000 people died in war more tham all the rest of history combined so many will die between 2000-2010?
I think if the arms and bomb was asvances,in the earth all the people will die.The nucler weapons have horrible power if America throw a nucler bomb in Japan,not only Japan,all the world will destory.
Caption:This is unclear bomb,it was very big and have a lot of power.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

About WW2


1.When and how did WW2 end?
The WW2 end in 1945.In 1945 America throw an atomic bomb in Japan's Hirshima and Nagasaki,the atomic bomb on Japan caused great damage that Japan was surrender.The WW2 thus concluded.
2.What happened afterward?
After WW2 Japanese because of excessive radiation care facilities,so a lot of people die.Radiation is a very bad thing,it can make people sick.Japanese people is very innocent and some people died in flash burns.
3.What topic would you be instered in studying next?
Next topic I want to studing ART,because ART is very interesting I very like see other people's painting.My favorite artists is Van Gogh,so next topic I want learn about ART.

Caption:This photo is atomic bomb of Japan.