Sunday, February 28, 2010

Battle of Brittain

The webside told us in 1940 summer Germany's Air Force destroyed RAF.This attempt is Battle of Brittain.Netharland in May 1940 launch Blitzkrieg the Air Force very trust this tactical.The Germany people think their Air Force already destroyed RAF so they can intrusion very easy but this war Germany finally they are lost.
I learn the Battle of Brittain is history to long and to big war and Germany leaders is Hitler.

The webside said 1939 Germany intrusion Poland and Germany use the Blatzkrieg and use tank and air to breakthrough.the other wedsite said the Blatzkrieg is mean a large number of tanks will be focused on a break point and army's armoved units have deen strong and with air support in a veay expeditious way captured enemy because this tactical is very fast so the tactical's name is"Blatzkrieg".

Caption1:This picture is Germany's air lineup.
Caption2:This air is this time very good air Germany usually use this air to play war

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Nazi Party

The wedside has many information of Nazi and Hitler.
The wedside told us the Nazi party is to bad because the Nazi party kill many innocent Jews,and all the firm are allcontrolled by the Nazi.In Germany the "Nazi' is a synonym of evil.
The Hitler is German president in 1934~1945.During WWll he act as the supreme of the German armed forces. he was recognized as the main instigators of WWll .


The wedside said in 1919 the Nazi was set up by Anton Drexler and in 1933 the leader chang to Hitler.The Nazi party purpose is conquer Europe and his purpose make WWll happen.The Nazi party National Socialist German Workers Party.

Other wedside told us how can the die of Hitler?In 1945 because allied attack on Berlin ,Hitler's inability to stop the Allies,refused to surrender,Hitler committed suicide.

Caption1:The logo is symbol Anti-Semitic tag.

Caption2:The photo is hitler early stage photo.